Symmetries and Angular Momentum
Rotational invariance, the eigenvalue problem for L^2,L_z,
hydrogen Atom, spin, addition of angular momenta.
Perturbation Theory
Time independent, time dependent perturbation theory,
Feynman diagrams, WKB approximation.
Other Resources
Computer codes for
simulating euclidean path integrals in quantum mechanics.
Some documentation is included in the fortran codes.
The main code is qm.for which performs a Monte Carlo
simulation of the euclidean path integral for the
potential V(x)=(x^2-f^2)^2. The program qmdiag.for
computes the energy levels and euclidean correlation
functions by diagonalizing the hamiltonian in an
oscillator basis.
schrodinger.c is a
c++ Schroedinger equation simulator written for
Xwindows. You can play with the potential and
the initial wave fucntion. Follow the instructions
in the program in order to compile and link.
Courtesy of
M. Creutz.
Midterm 1: Tuesday, October 15, 9:50-11:10.
The material covered includes the material covered
in class up to 10-3 (Homework assigments 1-5). The
midterm is closed book. A sheet with formulas will
be provided. In particular, you don't need to
memorize factors of (i\hbar).
Final Exam: Thursday, December 19, 8:00-10:30.
Everything we covered in class is fair game,
excluding angular momentum coupling and degenerate
perturbation theory. The exam is closed book.