Workshops and Conferences
The Phases of Dense Matter
(INT program, summer 2016).
Gauge Field Topology
(Simons Center, Stony Brook, 2015)
Hydrodynamics of Strongly Coupled Fluids
(ECT Trento, 2014)
Nearly Perfect Fluids: From Quark-Gluon Plasma to Ultra-Cold Atoms
(Research Triangle Park, 2009)
Extreme QCD 2008 (XQCD 2008)
(North Carolina State University, 2008)
The Extra Strong Quark Gluon Plasma (Edward Shuryak at 60)
(Stony Brook University, 2008)
Modification of Hadrons in Dense Matter
From Lattice QCD to Nuclear Physics
(APS spring meeting, Tampa, 2005)
Have we seen the QGP at RHIC?
Strongly interactring Fermions: From Traps to Stars
(Fall meeting of the DNP, Chicago, 2004)
QCD and Dense Matter: From Lattices to Stars
(Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, Washington)
The First Three Years of Heavy Ion Physics at RHIC
(Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, Washington)
Nuclear Physics Summer School 2002
(St. Johns College, Santa Fe, NM, July 28-August10, 2002)
Summer School on QCD Theory and RHIC Physics
(Shandong University, Jinan, China, June 10-15, 2002)
APCTP School on Dense Matter
(APCTP, Postech, Pohang, Korea, Nov. 19-22, 2002)
Complex Systems of Hadrons and Nuclei
(Lecture Week, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Sep. 24 - 28, 2001)
Nuclear Physics Summer School 2001
(College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, ME, June 12-June 22, 2001)
Quark Matter 2001
(Stony Brook, NY, January 15-20, 2001)
Physics and Astronomy at the Millennium
(Stony Brook Alumni Meeting, Stony Brook, June 16-18, 2000)
Phase Transitions in QCD
(Riken-BNL Research Center, BNL, November 4-7, 1998)
Nuclear Physics Summer School 1999
(UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, June 28-July 9, 1999)
RHIC '98 Summer Study
(Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1998)
TNT Seminar, Fall 2006
TNT Seminar, Spring 2006
TNT Seminar, Fall 2005
TNT Seminar, Spring 2005
Journal Clubs, etc.
Cold Gas Meetings, Fall 2014