QCD Phase Transitions

November 4-7, 1998.

A RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY, USA

The Workshop `QCD Phase Transitions' will be held at the RIKEN BNL Research Center, located at Brookhaven National Lab, from November 4 to 7, 1998.

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the phase structure of QCD and related theories. We will focus on the phase transitions that are expected to occur as a function of temperature, chemical potential, the number (and masses) of flavors, and other parameters. We would like to review what is known from general arguments, analytical approaches, and the lattice, and discuss possible avenues for future research. Recent advances in unravelling the phase structure of supersymmetric gauge theories and the possible impliactions of these results for QCD will also be discussed. Finally, we would like to discuss the possible dynamical mechanisms common to some (or all) of these transitions.

The Workshop will consist of invited plenary talks, shorter talks by participants, and discussion sessions on key topics.

Organizers: Thomas Schaefer (Seattle/Princeton) and Edward Shuryak (Stony Brook)

Plenary Speakers

List of participants

Preliminary Program , Updated Program (PS)

Proceedings: As for previous RIKEN/BNL workshops, the proceedings will be prepared quickly, and consist of copies of selected transparencies. For this purpose, it is necessary for each speaker to supply a few (at most six) of his/her transparencies, as well as a typed front page summarizing the principal points of the talk. This must be supplied to us while you are attending the workshop.

Support: We will provide housing and local expences for all participants (apply soon!). Travel expenses can be covered only in some cases (invited speakers,..).

To apply to the workshop, you can go to the online registration form or send the registration form to the RIKEN/BNL research center (rikenbnl@bnl.gov). You can also contact the organizers of the workshop at

Thomas Schaefer
School of Natural Sciences
Institute for Advanced Study
Olden Lane
Princeton, NJ 08540
(609) 734 8070

Edward Shuryak
Department of Physics
SUNY Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794
(516) 632 8127

Other information about travel, etc., is also available from the RIKEN BNL Research Center home page for "Workshops". You can also view a postscript version of this announcement.

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