Physics 401/401 (Quantum Mechanics) provides an introduction to
quantum mechanics intended for undergraduate students in physics
or engineering. Part I (PY401) covers the Schroedinger equation,
simple solutions (harmonic oscillator, Hydrogen atom), Spin,
and the abstract (Bra/Ket) formalism.
TTh 10:15-11:30, RID 315
Instructor: T. Schaefer, Office RID
email: Thomas_Schaefer[at]
Office hours: Wed 2:00-4:00 and by appointment.
Most thursdays a set of homework problems
will be assigned. (You can also check the website.) The homework
is due thursday the following week.
There will be two midterm exams, some quizzes, and a final.
Your final grade will be determined by weighting the various
portions of the course as follows:
Midterms: 30%, Quizzes: 10%, Final: 30%, Homework: 30%
Quantum Mechanics by Phillip J. E. Peebles, Princeton Univeristy Press.
Supplemental Material:
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, by David Griffiths, Benjamin Cummings.
A popular undergraduate text book. Not as well thought out as Peebles,
but structure closer to typical introductory physics books.
Modern Quantum Mechanics, by J. J. Sakurai, Addison Wesley.
Not a good text book, but very useful supplement for both undergraduate
and graduate students.
Principles of Quantum Mechanics, by R. Shankar, Springer.
A little more challenging, and frequently used as a graduate textbook.
Very well written and good for self study.
Course Information: [pdf]
Handouts: [Numerical solution of Schroedinger equation:
[Same for potential with two bound states:
[Coulomb wave functions]
Rules: Homework is due in class. No late homework accepted.