Physics 506 (Nuclear and Subatomic Physics) provides
an introduction to modern nuclear physics and is
intended for advanced undergraduate or graduate
students. A brief outline is provided below.
Properties of Nuclei and Nucleons.
The Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction and the Deuteron
Elements of Quantum Mechanics
The Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction
Bound States: The Deuteron
Scattering and Continuum States
Finite Nuclei: Single Particle and Collective States
The Shell Model
The Liquid Drop Model, Fusion and Fission
Collective States
Nuclear Physics at JLAB: The Quark Structure of the
Deep Inelastic Scattering and the Discovery of Quarks
Quarks and Gluons
Properties of the Nucleon, Excited and Exotic states
The Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction, revisited
Nuclear Physics at RHIC: Nuclear Collisions and
Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions
Phases of Nuclear Matter
Quark Gluon Plasma
Heavy Ion Collisions
Nuclear Physics Underground: Neutrinos
and the Solar Neutrino Problem
Energy Production in Stars
Neutrino Physics
Homework assignment 3 [postscript,pdf]
(due 9-15) [TYPO: problem 2, replace a->a^2]
[problem 1: ``expectation value'' means ``expectation value in the ground state'']
Midterm Exam: Wednesday, October 15 12:25-13:15
The midterm is closed book (no notes will be allowed).
You will receive a sheet with formulas and numerical constants.
Material includes everything discussed in class up to October 3.