% APSABFRM.TEX -- The APS Meeting Electronic Abstract Submission Form. % Version 1.1.b Updated October 1996 % % The American Physical Society % Electronic Contributed Abstract Submission Form. % %%%% MOdified for use by D0 by P. Gutierrez 12-5-96 % % ================================================================ % GENERAL INFORMATION/INSTRUCTIONS: % COMMENTS are preceded by the '%' character. % Lines (or portions of lines) starting with a '%' are ignored % by LaTeX. Such lines may be left in the file. % % USER INPUT REQUIRED % Lines that are to be filled in by the author start % at the left margin with either a '\' or a '%\'. % Author-provided information should be % entered within the curly braces {}. % Indented lines beginning with '%' are examples % only, and should be left alone. % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % % ================================================================ % SECTION 1: APS Electronic Abstract Initialization % % THIS SECTION IS FOR APS USE ONLY % % DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES % % The following two lines are REQUIRED. Leave them intact. % Note that the APS office requires 11 point type. \documentstyle[11pt,apsab]{article} \nofiles % ================================================================ % SECTION 2: ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 2A: Meeting ID % Identifies the meeting for which this abstract is being submitted. % It is a required statement and must contain a valid meeting ID. % The ID can be found in the information file for the meeting % % Insert Meeting ID between the {} on the line below \MeetingID{APR97} % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 2B: Submitting member information for contributed abstracts: % Abstracts must be submitted by APS members % (or members of reciprocal societies) % These four statements are required. % Insert information between {} on the lines below \SubmittingMemberSurname{Gutierrez} \SubmittingMemberGivenName{Phillip} \SubmittingMemberEmail{gut@fnal.gov} \SubmittingMemberAffil{University of Oklahoma} % 2B-1: The following line is for future use. Leave it intact. %\SubmittingMembershipNumber{} % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 2C: Type of presentation. % Insert a value from the following between the {} below: % oral % poster \PresentationType{oral} % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 2D: Special Instructions % Insert between the {} below any desired special % instructions, such as A/V requests, special % sequencing, or primary versus supplemental abstract % for authors submitting two abstracts. \SpecialInstructions{} % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 2E: Sorting category % Use ONE of the category codes from your meeting's % information file, % Fill in the brackets from left to right. % leaving all four sets of brackets. If the meeting contains % less than four sorting levels, leave the remainder blank. % EXAMPLE: {34}{d}{}{}. \SortCategory{J}{10}{}{} % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 2F: For Plasma Physics Meeting only % Insert a value from the following between the {} below: % theoretical % experimental \DPPType{} % ================================================================ % SECTION 3: SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % The following information constitutes your printed abstract, % subject to APS formatting rules. If you are not able to view the % abstract with a LaTeX viewer, make certain that the title, author % list, abstract body and footnotes do not total more than 1300 % characters, including spaces. % DO NOT change the following line (APS USE ONLY). \begin{document} % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 3A: Title % Insert title of your abstract between {} below. % Use Mixed Case and do not underline. % % NOTE: Please do NOT add any superscripts to % the names (asterisks, numbers, daggers). % Do NOT use "mbox" or ~ commands to control spacing. \Title{Minimizing the Uncertainty due to Parton Distributions and the Production Mechanism in the Precision Determination of the W Mass} % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 3B: Title footonotes: % For any notes tied to the title, delete the beginning % and % insert the information between the {} in the line below: %\titlenote{} % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 3C: Authors and their affiliations % % First Author -- Insert presenting author/affiliation % information between the {} on the three lines below. % % Collaborations/Teams: If showing a collaboration as author, % please list Collaboration or Team as the AuthorSurname, and % the acronym as AuthorGivenName (i.e., CDF) \AuthorSurname{Rijssenbeek} \AuthorGivenName{Michael} \thanks{for the D\O\ Collaboration} \AuthorAffil{State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY} % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 3C-1: Thanks (Optional Command) % % For any notes or acknowledgements tied to an author, % delete the beginning % and insert the information % between the {} in the line below: % \thanks{} % Additional authors -- For additional authors insert a % set of three commands for each additional author: % \AuthorSurname{} % \AuthorGivenName{} % \AuthorAffil{} % If authors are grouped by institution, the AuthorAffil % does not have to used each time; list after the last author % in the group. When adding lines, make sure the \ is in % column 1 and that only one command is used per line % --------------------------------------------------------------------- % DO NOT change the following line (APS USE ONLY). \begin{abstract} % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 3D: Abstract: % Insert abstract text lines after these comments. % Abstract text lines should NOT begin with the % character. The precision measurement of the $W$ mass is subject to many systematic uncertainties. Many of these are themselves derived from data, and will decrease with statistics. However, the parton distribution functions and QCD parameters in the simulation model used for the likelihood fit of the $W$ transverse mass are not of this type, and are likely to become the dominant systematic uncertainty in the near future. We present a novel analysis using $Z$ and $W$ data that limits these sources of uncertainty for the $W$ mass dramatically. The method is exemplified with the precision measurement of the $W$ mass using the D\O\ detector at the Fermilab Tevatron $\rm p\overline{p}$ Collider. \par\noindent{\bf References:} \begin{enumerate} \item D. Griffiths, ``{\it Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics}'', John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., 1987. \end{enumerate} % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 3E: Optional Commands that can be used in the body of the abstract. % % 3E-1: Footnotes % Use the command \footnote{} to create footnotes % \footnote{} is entered in the body of the abstract at % the point where the superscript will appear. The text of the note % goes between the {}; the system generates the footnote number. % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % 3E-2: Hypertext Linking to other support files (figures, etc.) % % Authors may designate text from the body of the abstract to be % used as a "link" to remote resources on the World Wide Web. % In using the command shown below, % % \urllink{}{} % % place the text to be shown as a "clickable link" in the first % set of curly braces; then put the associated URL in the % second set. The command may go anywhere in the abstract. % Note -- only the text in the first curly braces will show on the % the screen and in the printed version. % ================================================================ % SECTION 4: 1: APS Electronic Abstract File Closure % % User input into the abstract template is now complete. % % The file should be saved in an uncompressed format. % % Submit this abstract to The American Physical Society % by emailing it to the address below: % % abs-submit@aps.org. % % The sender will receive an acknowledgement % of this submission electronically. % % ---------------------------------------------------------------- % THIS SECTION IS FOR APS USE ONLY % DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES % % DO NOT change or remove the following 2 lines (APS USE ONLY) \end{abstract} \end{document} %----------------------------------------------------------------- % Submit this abstract to Phillip Gutierrez, who will handle % submission to the APS. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------